From the recording It's All About The Blood

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It's not about all you've accomplished
Or how much you think you know
It's not about human endeavors
driven by emotions
that lead to false hope
but there's one thing
you should know
This is what matters most

It's all because of the blood of the Lamb
It's all because of the, "Great I Am!"
It's all because of His sacrifice
I can choose eternal life
There's nothing on my own
I can do to stand
but to trust and believe
in the blood of the Lamb
Oh, the blood of the Lamb
Precious blood of the Lamb

It's not about all you have given
It's about all He's done for us
For He is alive and has risen
I can't even count the cost
So much more than I can imagine
But now I have this hope

It's all because of the blood of the Lamb
It's all because of the, "Great I Am!"
It's all because of His sacrifice
I can choose eternal life
There's nothing on my own
I can do to stand
but to trust and believe
in the blood of the Lamb
Oh, the blood of the Lamb
Precious blood of the Lamb

It's all because of the blood of the Lamb
It's all because of the, "Great I Am!"
It's all because of His sacrifice
I can choose eternal life
There's nothing on my own
I can do to stand
but to trust and believe
in the blood of the Lamb
Oh, the blood of the Lamb
Precious blood of the Lamb